Creation of the Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection Authority (ASNR)

The Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection Authority (ASNR) created by the law on the organisation of the governance of nuclear safety and radiation protection of 21 May 2024 came into operation on 1st January 2025. It is the result of the merger of the Autorité de sûreté nucléaire (ASN) and the Institut de radioprotection et de sûreté nucléaire (IRSN).

The Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection Authority (ASNR) created by the law on the organisation of the governance of nuclear safety and radiation protection of 21 May 2024 came into operation on 1st January 2025. It is the result of the merger of the Autorité de sûreté nucléaire (ASN) and the Institut de radioprotection et de sûreté nucléaire (IRSN).

As an independent administrative authority, the ASNR now oversees civil nuclear activities in France on behalf of the State. It also carries out research, expert appraisal, training and public information missions in the fields of nuclear safety and radiation protection.


Chaired by Pierre-Marie Abadie, the ASNR is governed by a board of five commissioners, including the chairman. Olivier Gupta is the Director General. ANSR employs more than 2 000 people with a wide range of specific skills to protect people and the environment.

The ASNR has offices throughout France. Its head office is in Montrouge and ASNR has 11 divisions enabling it to carry out its control missions throughout metropolitan France and in the overseas departments and regions. It is also based at Fontenay-aux-Roses and Cadarache, the main sites for expertise and research in nuclear safety and radiation protection, and at Le Vésinet, the main site for environmental monitoring. It also has assessment and research centres in Cherbourg, Les Angles and Tahiti.

On an international scale, the creation of the ASNR marks France's ambition in terms of nuclear safety and radiation protection for the protection of people and the environment. ANSR will work closely with its international peers, whether they be research bodies, experts or regulatory authorities. 

ASNR press contacts


IRSN and DSO national laboratories strengthen their collaboration in nuclear safety and crisis management

On October 22, 2024, in Singapore, Dr Jean-Christophe Niel, IRSN Director General and Mr Cheong Chee Hoo, CEO of DSO National Laboratories, signed a new Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).
DSO-MoU 2024-10-22

We're excited to announce that on October 22, 2024, in Singapore, Dr Jean-Christophe Niel, IRSN Director General and Mr Cheong Chee Hoo, CEO of DSO National Laboratories, signed a new Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).

This MoU builds upon our partnership that started in 2013, demonstrating both entities' commitment to advancing nuclear safety and security through collaborative research and development.

The cooperation will focus on the safety of Generation 3 reactors and on Small Modular Reactors (SMRs), as well as crisis management, inverse source term modelling based on environmental measurements, and neutron spectrometry. High-level technical exchanges and researcher exchanges (PhDs/ post-doctorates) will also play a crucial role in validating scientific data and refining calculation codes, further enhancing nuclear safety and security measures, through collaborative research.

We look forward to the innovations and advancements this strengthened collaboration will bring to the field of nuclear safety and security.

DSO-MoU 2024-10-22
DSO-MoU 2024-10-22

IRSN at the Singapore International Energy Week (SIEW) 2024

At the invitation of Singapore's Energy Market Authority (EMA), IRSN's Director General, Dr. Jean-Christophe Niel attended the Singapore International Energy Week (SIEW) on October 21, 23 and 24, 2024.

At the invitation of Singapore's Energy Market Authority (EMA), IRSN's Director General, Dr. Jean-Christophe Niel attended the Singapore International Energy Week (SIEW) on October 21, 23 and 24, 2024.

SIEW is an annual platform for energy professionals, decision-makers and commentators to share best practices and solutions in the global energy space.

His speeches highlighted the safety issues associated with the development of nuclear energy in Asia, promoted our scientific and technical expertise, and underlined the quality of our bilateral cooperation with the National University of Singapore.

Following a presentation by R. Grossi, DG IAEA, J-C Niel took part in the plenary session devoted to low-carbon technologies. Regarding the development of nuclear technologies, in particular SMRs, he stressed the importance of ensuring a high level of nuclear safety and managing the risks associated with these technologies. In the case of SMRs, which have characteristics favourable to nuclear safety (small size, passive safety systems), he stressed that this safety had to be demonstrated, showing the need to pursue research, develop human resources and engage in dialogue with the public. To meet these objectives, international cooperation constitutes an indispensable tool.

IRSN at the SIEW 2024
Plenary session devoted to low-carbon technologies, SIEW 2024

IRSN’s Director General participated also in the SIEW TechTable on October 23, dedicated to the the topic of “Ensuring Nuclear Innovation with Robust Nuclear Safety and Risk Management”. He will be able to highlight ways of supporting innovation in nuclear technologies in terms of safety, giving an insight into the role of technical safety organizations (TSOs) in supporting regulatory authorities and other stakeholders. He also stressed the importance of mobilizing science-based collective intelligence through international research collaborations, to improve the safety of nuclear installations.

On October 24, he finally intervened in the “Building Trust and Confidence in Nuclear Technology” session of the SIEW ThinkTank RoundTable, where he will share IRSN's experiences in opening up to society.

On October 24, the Director General concluded his mission to Singapore with a meeting with Mrs. Minh-Di Tang, French Ambassador to Singapore.

Jean-Christophe Niel, SIEW 2024
Jean-Christophe Niel, plenary session devoted to low-carbon technologies, SIEW 2024

Workshop AEN FRAME: Future Research for Accident Management Enhancement in operating and future reactors, informed by Fukushima Daiichi insights – Argonne, September 26-27, 2024

On September 26-27, 2024, IRSN’s Director General Jean-Christophe Niel participated in Argonne (Illinois - USA) in the NEA’s workshop dedicated to the “Future Research for Accident Management Enhancement in operating and future reactors, informed by Fukushima Daiichi insights”.

On September 26-27, 2024, IRSN’s Director General Jean-Christophe Niel participated in Argonne (Illinois - USA) in the NEA’s workshop dedicated to the “Future Research for Accident Management Enhancement in operating and future reactors, informed by Fukushima Daiichi insights”.

J.C. Niel AEN FRAME workshop September 26-27 2024

This workshop provided nuclear safety regulators, industry and research organizations with the opportunity to share their views on how the Fukushima-Daiichi accident has been used to inform accident management approaches for operating and future reactors, and on remaining potentials for their enhancement.

It will be also a forum where regulators, industry and research operating agents will share views on potentials for future collaborative research.

Jean-Christophe Niel underlined the large efforts which have been done since the Fukushima-Daichii accident to consolidate severe accident management and mitigation for French NPPs. He mentioned the strong involvement of IRSN in OECD/ NEA’s research projects, which constitute a unique platform for safety research experimentations.

He brought out also the necessity to maintain, replace or evolve existing experimental facilities, and certainly build new ones.

Finally, he mentioned that all new challenges won’t be addressed without involving the international community and all stakeholders, from regulators to operators and designers. Especially maybe the biggest one: in the coming decades, to develop skills and competencies, and train many young professionals to the nuclear field, taking into account innovative and disruptive technologies.”

Scientific and technical cooperation with the Republic of Korea

IRSN was in South Korea from April 29 to May 1 to meet with various Korean partners. With the aim of strengthening our collaboration with Korean organizations in the fields of nuclear safety and medical applications, the Institute renewed various framework cooperation agreements.

IRSN was in South Korea from April 29 to May 1 to meet with various Korean partners. With the aim of strengthening our collaboration with Korean organizations in the fields of nuclear safety regulation (KINS), safety research (KAERI) and medical applications (KIRAMS), the Institute renewed various framework cooperation agreements.

A long-standing partner, the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) is a recognized nuclear safety research organization. Mr. Han Gyu Joo, President of KAERI, and Mr. Niel discussed various research topics such as SMR safety, thermohydraulics and environmental monitoring.

With our Korean TSO counterpart, the renowned Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety (KINS) and its president Mr. Kim, we discussed the possibility of strengthening our cooperation through a technical seminar in 2025, which would enable us to exchange views on subjects of common interest : stress corrosion cracking, fuel safety, severe accidents.

With the Korea Institute of Radiological & Medical Sciences (KIRAMS) and its president Dr. Jinkyung Lee, the ambition is to strengthen cooperation in innovative research in radiation protection and radiobiology. KIRAMS is a leading institution in cancer treatment, research and the care of irradiated people and radiological emergencies.



Creation of a joint NUS-SNRSI/IRSN laboratory in Singapore

On May 2, the National University of Singapore (NUS) and IRSN signed a collaboration agreement to set up a joint laboratory between NUS-Singapore Nuclear Research and Safety Initiative (NUS-SNRSI) and the Institute.

Collaboration IRSN Universite Singapour 2024-05
From left to right: Jeanne Tor-de Tarlé, Cyril Pinel, Jean-Christophe Niel, Pr Lui Pao Chuen, Pr Liu Bin, Pr Keng Yeow Chung, Sylvain Petit.

On May 2, 2024 in Singapore, Professor Liu Bin, Deputy President of the National University of Singapore (NUS), and Jean-Christophe Niel, Director General of IRSN, signed a collaboration agreement to set up a joint laboratory between NUS-Singapore Nuclear Research and Safety Initiative (NUS-SNRSI) and the Institute.

This agreement is the outcome of almost 10 years of exchanges with our Singaporean partner, a leading scientific organization. It will enable us to conduct joint research and develop new scientific knowledge in the fields of radiobiology, radiochemical measurements and reactor safety analysis, particularly related to SMRs. This work will benefit both parties.

The joint NUS-SNRSI/IRSN laboratory will further strengthen scientific cooperation between France and Singapore in the field of nuclear safety.

Jean-Christophe Niel is particularly delighted with the creation of this joint laboratory: “The signing of this collaboration agreement with NUS-SNRSI marks the culmination of 10 years of technical exchanges with our Singaporean partners. This joint laboratory, which will constitute a center of scientific excellence for both IRSN and NUS-SNRSI, will implement various research projects, notably through exchanges of researchers. This will enable us to acquire and share new scientific knowledge on subjects that will be of major importance for decades to come, whether in reactor safety or human and environmental radiation protection and monitoring.”

Collaboration IRSN Universite Singapour 2024-05
Collaboration IRSN Universite Singapour 2024-05
Collaboration IRSN Universite Singapour 2024-05
Collaboration IRSN Universite Singapour 2024-05

Strengthening partnerships on the sidelines of the Regulatory Information Conference in Washington

At the Regulatory Information Conference organized by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), held in Washington from March 12 to 14, 2024 and attended by over 3,000 people and representatives from some 50 countries, the General Manager met with the Institute's main partners in nuclear safety, radiation protection and health research in the United States.
IRSN RIC Washington 12-14 March 2024

Jean-Christophe Niel, IRSN Director General, and Ray Furstenau, NRC Executive Director of Operations.

Around the Regulatory Information Conference 2024 organized by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), held in Washington from March 12 to 14, and attended by over 3,000 people and representatives from some 50 countries, the Director General held meetings with the Institute's key partners in nuclear safety, radiation protection and health research in the United States.

With the NRC, exchanges on issues relating to safety passive systems (IRSN's PASTIS program), material degradation and the development of thermal-hydraulic and severe accident calculation codes, have consolidated our already long-standing safety research cooperation, which started 50 years ago. The NRC also expressed the wish to strengthen its coordination with the Institute in the field of emergency preparedness and response, particularly in view of the hazards threatening Ukrainian nuclear facilities. Furthermore, the rapidly developing field of Artificial Intelligence, both for use by operators and for expert appraisal, gave rise to a progress report (IRSN, NRC and the German GRS) and a workshop under the aegis of the IAEA.

With the Department of Energy (DOE), the principle of enhanced collaboration on experimentation relating to fuel safety in the TREAT reactor was endorsed, as well as on safety criticality experiments at the Nevada National Security Site test center, in addition to the research IRSN and NNSA are already carrying out together as part of the NCSP (National Criticality Safety Program).

IRSN close cooperation with the National Nuclear Security Administration (DOE/NNSA) on emergency preparedness and response has also been confirmed and major areas for progress have been defined.

Finally, in the field of health, the Director of the NIH/NIAID (National Institutes of Health / Allergy and Infectious Diseases) and the Director General have agreed to increase interactions between the two institutes in the field of research to improve medical response to radiological and nuclear emergencies, including those caused by malicious acts (emergency dosimetry, diagnostics and medical countermeasures).

The convergence of views and joint projects with the NRC, as well as with the DOE and NNSA, are key elements of IRSN international research and emergency response partnerships, and has been further strengthened by these discussions.

IRSN RIC Washington 12-14 March 2024
Sunil Félix, Nuclear Counselor at the French Embassy, Radia Tamarat (IRSN), Nicolas Jenner (IRSN), Jean-Christophe Niel (Director General of IRSN), Dr. Jeanne Marrazzo (NIH/NIAID) and her team.
Aleshia Duncan, Deputy Assistant Secretary at DOE with her collaborator and Sunil Félix, Nuclear Counselor at the French Embassy.

IRSN and ICRP renew their collaboration agreement

IRSN and the ICRP (International Commission on Radiological Protection) have just signed a new collaboration agreement for the next two years.

The extension to the collaboration agreement signed by Jean-Christophe Niel and Werner Rühm, President of the ICPR.

IRSN and the ICRP (International Commission on Radiological Protection) have just signed a new collaboration agreement for the next two years.

The ICRP is an international organization that drafts and publishes recommendations aimed at improving the radiation protection of people (the public, workers, patients) and the environment, in all its dimensions (dosimetry, health risk assessment, etc.). These recommendations are mainly based on the most recent research findings, and represent an important foundation on which the vast majority of national and international radiation protection regulations are based.

Since its creation, IRSN has played an active role in the ICRP's discussions and recommendations. Seven of the Institute's experts currently sit on the ICRP's main commission and 4 technical committees, in addition to numerous thematic working groups.

To coincide with the visit to France of members of the ICRP's Main Commission, a seminar will be held tomorrow in Fontenay-aux-Roses to discuss the future of radiation protection (see information below). Indeed, after the publication of the document Keeping the ICRP recommendations fit for purpose in 2021 (below the French version translated in 2022 by IRSN), the ICRP is committed to a review and revision of the radiological protection system, culminating in the updating of the general recommendations published in 2007 (ICRP publication 103). 


Workshop on the Future of Radiological Protection
Open to all, registration required (face-to-face and online)
March 19, 2024 - 9:00 am to 3:30 pm
IRSN Auditorium in Fontenay-aux-Roses or online

Consult the french version of the ICRP publication: Maintenir les recommandations de la CIPR adaptées aux besoins (2022) 

Find out more

On the development of standards and the Institute's contribution, read the dossier (p.8-13) in Repères (FR)

Sylvie Retailleau, French Minister for Research, highlights La Maison Irène et Frédéric Joliot-Curie's strategic role in building an innovative european future

During her first visit on February 16 to La Maison Irène et Frédéric Joliot-Curie, where the IRSN is one of the 13 permanent members, the minister underscored the essential role of higher education, research, and innovation in shaping Europe's future. She specifically pointed to La Maison and its members as key contributors to driving this transformative agenda.

During her first visit on February 16 to La Maison Irène et Frédéric Joliot-Curie, where the IRSN is one of the 13 permanent members, the minister underscored the essential role of higher education, research, and innovation in shaping Europe's future. She specifically pointed to La Maison and its members as key contributors to driving this transformative agenda.

The minister highlighted the significance of innovation and research in the European context, emphasizing France's standing as a leading scientific actor. Advocating for close collaboration between national and European research and higher education institutions, she endorsed an inclusive approach to tackling challenges in the fields of higher education, research, and innovation.

Moreover, the minister reaffirmed La Maison's role as an important player in fostering collaboration between French and European institutions. She emphasized its utility in supporting public policies and promoting collaboration with program agencies, which bear the responsibility of European coordination in their respective domains. The minister stressed La Maison's essential role in promoting European values and encouraged its members to sustain their commitment, thereby contributing to France's influence and the establishment of a robust Europe.

More information

La Maison Irène et Frédéric Joliot-Curie's website :


U.S. NRC visits IRSN

Dan Dorman, Executive Director for Operations at the U.S. NRC, visited IRSN in Cadarache on December 7, 2023, at the invitation of his counterpart Jean-Christophe Niel.

Dan Dorman, Executive Director for Operations at the U.S. NRC, visited IRSN in Cadarache on December 7, 2023, at the invitation of his counterpart Jean-Christophe Niel. He was received by Patrice Giordano Director Safety Research, and Cyril Pinel, Director European and International Affairs.

The visit provided an opportunity to review current cooperation in the field of safety research between the NRC and IRSN, particularly with regard to severe accidents, and to visit the laboratories involved in these research programs. The cooperation IRSN has had with NRC for many years is at the core of our international partnering strategy in the field of nuclear safety research.