Jean-Christophe Niel's agenda at the 67th IAEA General Conference

The Director General of IRSN will be in Vienna from September 25 to 28, 2023 for the IAEA's annual General Conference. He will be meeting IRSN staff currently working at the IAEA. Several bilateral meetings with the directors of other TSOs are planned in conjunction with this event, in order to take stock of current or future cooperation.

The Director General of IRSN will be in Vienna from September 25 to 28, 2023 for the IAEA's annual General Conference. He will be meeting IRSN staff currently working at the IAEA. Several bilateral meetings with the directors of other TSOs are planned in conjunction with this event, in order to take stock of current or future cooperation.

The Director General of IRSN will also meet with members of the IAEA Board of Directors, and will speak at the Forum organised by INSAG, the advisory group responsible for advising the Director General of the IAEA on nuclear safety issues.

Finally, as Chairman of ETSON, Jean-Christophe Niel will take part in meetings of the ETSON Board with representatives of the IAEA and the European network of safety authorities WENRA.


Signing of a memorandum of understanding to strengthen IRSN's cooperation with its Ukrainian counterpart SSTC NRS

This week, from September 11 to 14, 2023, IRSN, along with the representative of our embassy in Kyiv, received a visit from Director Ihor Shevchenko of the State Scientific and Technical Centre for Nuclear and Radiological Safety (SSTC NRS), the equivalent of IRSN and a Ukrainian partner.

This week, from September 11 to 14, 2023, IRSN, along with the representative of our embassy in Kyiv, received a visit from Director Ihor Shevchenko of the State Scientific and Technical Centre for Nuclear and Radiological Safety (SSTC NRS), the equivalent of IRSN and a Ukrainian partner. During this visit, Ihor Shevchenko and Jean-Christophe Niel signed a memorandum of understanding between IRSN and SSTC NRS and discussed the technical areas for continuing their exchanges.

Discussions on the areas proposed by SSTC NRS or IRSN first took place in Fontenay-aux-Roses, with the Safety Expertise Department and the Pollution and Radioactive Waste Department in particular. The visit to the technical crisis centre provided an opportunity for more detailed discussions on emergency situations and assessing the consequences of an accident. The visit to Cadarache will provide an opportunity to discuss the ASTEC code with PSN-RES and to examine the conditions under which IRSN and SSTC NRS can work together in this field. The issue of the safety of small modular reactors will be the subject of a discussion on the PASTIS platform project.

In addition to ongoing exchanges between IRSN and the SSTC NRS, IRSN is also contributing to assistance to Ukraine as part of the European INSC instrument. This involves working with European partners to help Ukraine improve nuclear safety and radiation protection in line with international and European standards. IRSN (at the head of a consortium) has been tasked by the European Union with continuing these efforts for the period 2023-2026.

SSTC NRS is also active in ETSON, the European TSO network, of which it has been an associate member since 2010.

Ihor Shevchenko thanked "France and IRSN for their support since the 1er day of the large-scale attack, which helped to preserve the operation of their safety organization and was delighted that the signing of the MOU will further strengthen our cooperation in the future".

Jean-Christophe Niel said he was "pleased to welcome Ihor and the SSTC delegation to IRSN and to strengthen our exchanges in many areas" and "impressed by the courage shown by the Ukrainian people in opposing the brutal war of aggression to which Ukraine is a victim".

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