The Maison Irène et Frédéric Joliot-Curie
The role of the Maison Irène et Frédéric Joliot-Curie
The creation of the Maison Irène et Frédéric Joliot-Curie is part of the action plan of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research to strengthen the presence and participation of French science in the European Commission, the European Parliament and the political, economic and social players in Brussels. La Maison has the following objectives :
- Strengthen French expertise through joint promotion activities in higher education, research and innovation by providing logistical support, advice and organising meetings with Brussels stakeholders;
- Support scientists from member institutions and organisations and their socio-economic partners in their efforts to participate in European Commission programmes and actions;To alert the scientific communities of la Maison members to emerging issues in European programmes and actions related to higher education, research and innovation;
- Strengthening the interface between the members themselves and with their European relays (alliances, permanent representations, associations, regions, etc.) and institutional actors (Parliament, Commission, Directorates-General, executive agencies, etc.) or French actors (ministries, ANR, competitiveness clusters, etc.).
La Maison brings together French actors in higher education, research and innovation who wish to pool their material and financial resources to optimise their respective activities with the European institutions and other European networks in Brussels.
La Maison is composed of twelve permanent members based in Brussels1, as well as associate and affiliated members. Associate and affiliated members have access to the premises, can carry out strategic actions and benefit from the acceleration effect provided by the permanent team.
La Maison is overseen by a Supervisory Board, responsible for strategic orientations, finances, and arbitration. It comprises the CEOs of the permanent member organizations. In addition, a Board of Directors made up of representatives and heads of European affairs from the permanent members, manages la Maison's activities. The General Assembly, which brings together all the members, acts as a consultative body on the activities of La Maison's.
[1] CEA, CNRS, CDFEI, France Université, IFREMER, INRAE, INRIA, INSERM, IRD, IRSN, ONERA, Université Gustave Eiffel.