Experimental facilities and means
The IRSN has developed and used its experimental facilities and means. Below, there is a list describing some of these.
Radiation protection for human health and environnement
In the field of radiation protection for people and the environment, the facilities are mainly located at Fontenay aux Roses and Cadarache.

LATAC Platform
LATAC is a multi-purpose environmental sample analysis platform meeting the most modern industrial standards: programmable ventilation with controlled pressure, reinforced soundproofing, centralised supervision, dedicated waste area, centralised effluents network. Its structure revolves around the sample's journey, from receipt to analysis and storage.

The ALPHÉE accelerator
ALPHÉE is an accelerator similar to the radiotherapy machines used in the medical field. IRSN uses it to carry out research dealing with the effects of irradiation on healthy tissue and their evaluation and treatment. The facility is used to irradiate biological samples, i.e. cells, tissue and small animals.

The AMANDE facility
The AMANDE facility (Accelerator for metrology and neutron applications for external dosimetry) produces monoenergetic neutron reference fields, with two objectives: metrology related to neutron fluence and dose equivalents quantities and testing and calibrating neutron sensitive devices at multiple specific energies.

Resources developed to measure very low concentrations of radionuclides in the environment
IRSN has developed a range of measurement resources used to quantify radionuclides present at very low concentrations, or even at trace levels, in samples taken from the environment. Some of these measurement resources are found at the Environmental Radioactivity Measurement Laboratory (LMRE).

Metrology and calibration of neutron measuring instruments
IRSN operates and is developing a large technical platform at the Cadarache center (Bouches du Rhône) for neutron metrology and calibration of neutron measuring instruments, particularly for radiation protection, having been designated the national holder of neutron dosimetry reference standards by France’s national testing laboratory (LNE).

The SARRP irradiator
The SARRP irradiator (Small Animal Radiation Research Platform) is an image-guided microirradiation system, delivering low energy X-rays, for small animals. The IRSN uses it to conduct preclinical research on the effects of irradiation on healthy tissue and its treatment.

EPIC project: an Experimental Plateform In Chernobyl
The EPIC is a tool to study the transport of radionuclides in soil and aquifer.

The MIRCOM microbeam
MIRCOM, the ion microbeam for radiobiology of intra- and intercellular communications, is an irradiation platform with an ion microbeam capable, with micrometric precision, of targeting cellular or subcellular elements with a defined number of charged particles.

PARISII, the experimental platform for in vivo contamination
PARISII encompasses the entire infrastructure, including housing rooms and various specialized laboratories, required to study the biological effects on internal radionuclide contamination.

The MICADO Lab experimental platform
MICADO Lab (French acronym for Chronic irradiation facility for laboratory studies of the dose-effect relationship) is an external gamma irradiation platform designed for studying the effects on ecosystems of chronic exposure to ionising radiation.

OPERA network
OPERA network allows measurements of radioactivity levels in the environment.

SORA Station
The SORA station provides data on the concentrations of the main substances present in the Rhône, just before it flows into the Mediterranean Sea.

Tournemire experimental station
Located in a former railway tunnel almost 2 km long, dug between 1882 and 1888, this full-scale laboratory aims to acquire methodological and phenomenological knowledge of clayey rocks similar to the Bure site (Meuse/Haute Marne), where Andra could install a radioactive waste repository. This is a fundamental tool for IRSN, enabling it to study the confinement properties of these rocks and the performance of certain components of a repository, with the aim of providing independent expert appraisal for Andra.
Nuclear safety
Research platforms bring together, for a given theme, scientific equipment that is often unique, enabling high-level research to be carried out.

GALAXIE experimental plateform
GALAXIE brings together experimental facilities of various capacities to carry out the experimental research needed to control the risk of fire in nuclear facilities.

Research Reactor CABRI
The CABRI facility is a pool-type research reactor (basic nuclear installation (INB) no. 24) operated by the CEA and located at the Cadarache centre in the Bouches-du-Rhône department. It is dedicated to the study of envelope accident situations for certain reference accidents taken into consideration in the safety analysis of pressurised water reactors (PWRs).