Secure transport of radioactive material : IRSN assists the IAEA in Togo and Cameroon

IRSN's cooperation with the IAEA in the field of nuclear security includes the transport of radioactive materials. In 2023, experts from the Institute provided support to the public authorities in Togo and Cameroon, either in drafting regulatory texts or conducting tabletop exercises
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IRSN's cooperation with the IAEA in the field of nuclear security includes the transport of radioactive materials. In 2023, experts from the Institute provided support to the public authorities in Togo and Cameroon, either in drafting regulatory texts or conducting tabletop exercises.

In Lomé, the expertise provided by IRSN involved participation in a discussion led by various ministries (1), the safety authority, the country's internal security forces (2) and various private players (3) with a view to drafting a decree laying down safety and security measures for the transport of radioactive material in the Republic of Togo. Thanks to the quality of the discussions, a pragmatic draft decree was submitted to the Ministry of Health for consideration by the Presidency and the Prime Minister, taking into account the specific features of the transport operations carried out in Togo.

In Yaoundé, an expert from the Institute took part - alongside the safety authorities and representatives of the internal security forces of Cameroon, the safety authorities of Chad and those of Gabon - in a tabletop exercise on the security of radioactive materials during transport in Central Africa. 80% of the radioactive materials transported in this area are gammagraphy devices (for non-destructive testing), with the remainder being transported for medical use. The scenarios created for this exercise were divided into two parts: the first consisted in getting the sub-groups (by country) to think about the organization of transport under normal conditions, and the second consisted in getting the participants to play out the crisis scenarios.

For IRSN, this type of intervention on behalf of the IAEA is an opportunity to support countries that request the Agency in developing or consolidating a security culture in the transport of radioactive material, and to establish contacts with local contacts.

(1) Ministry of Health, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of the Interior and Ministry of Defence.
(2) Gendarmerie, police, army, customs and fire brigade.
(3) Representatives of transport unions, air freight forwarders and the port of Lomé.

See also

  • Webmagazine Repères n°45 April 2020 (PDF or WEB)

ESARDA-INMM International Symposium: IRSN's contribution to nuclear non-proliferation (Safeguards)

The European Safeguards Research and Development Association (ESARDA) and the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management (INMM) jointly held their annual symposium in Vienna from 22 to 25 May. IRSN made a major contribution to this event.

The European Safeguards Research and Development Association (ESARDA) and the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management (INMM) jointly held their annual symposium in Vienna from 22 to 25 May. IRSN made a major contribution to this event.

The symposium brought together a large audience from both sides of the Atlantic, opening up the scope of topics covered and encouraging a wider brainstorming. IRSN presented seven papers dealing with topics such as nuclear material accountancy as a tool for combating internal threats and interfacing security and non-proliferation, or as a means of cross-checking with material transport documents, the measurement of nuclear materials retained in industrial processes, training, and the impact of SMRs on international declarations.

The subject of security and safeguards measures on SMRs and their interfaces, as well as the strengthening of domestic training capacities or those for developing countries, were two of the key themes of this year's event, alongside cybersecurity and data analysis. A plenary session was also devoted to the war in Ukraine, with exchanges specifically on the subjects of security and Safeguards.

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The IAEA once again recognizes the quality of IRSN's expertise

In March 2023, Rafael Mariano Grossi, Director General of the IAEA, renewed the appointment of Jean-Christophe Niel as a member of the International Nuclear Safety Advisory Group (INSAG). On August 24, 2023, Louis-Michel Guillaume, Deputy Director General of IRSN, delegated for Defense-related missions, was renewed as a member of the Advisory Group on Nuclear Safety (AdSec)

In March 2023, Rafael Mariano Grossi, Director General of the IAEA, renewed the appointment of Jean-Christophe Niel as a member of the International Nuclear Safety Advisory Group (INSAG) representing France until July 2026.

On August 24, 2023, Louis-Michel Guillaume, Deputy Director General of IRSN, delegated for Defense-related missions, was renewed as a member of the Advisory Group on Nuclear Safety (AdSec) for a three-year term. He has been a member since 2018.

The presence of the Institute's managers in these two structures bears witness to the Agency's recognition of the quality of its expertise.

To know more about these committees

INSAG and AdSec are groups of experts with high levels of professional competence in the respective fields of nuclear security and of nuclear and radiation safety. Both expert groups are convened by the IAEA with the objective of providing authoritative advice and recommendations on current and emerging issues of nuclear safety and security to the IAEA’s Director General.

INSAG addresses fundamental safety issues, as well as current and emerging matters of importance relevant to the nuclear and radiation safety of all facilities and activities using nuclear or radioactive material.Specifically, AdSec advises on the IAEA’s current and proposed activities in the area of nuclear security. It makes recommendations on measures aimed at strengthening the Agency’s role and activities and provides guidance on priorities regarding these activities in the area of nuclear security.​

IAEA training courses in nuclear security: IRSN actively contributes as a trainer

As part of France's contribution to the IAEA's activities, IRSN supports the Agency in a variety of ways, including participation in the training courses it provides to member states at their request, particularly in the field of nuclear security. This is an opportunity for the Institute to share its knowledge and expertise internationally
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As part of France's contribution to the IAEA's activities, IRSN supports the Agency in a variety of ways, including participation in the training courses it provides to member states at their request, particularly in the field of nuclear security. This is an opportunity for the Institute to share its knowledge and expertise internationally.

As part of its International Training Courses (ITC), the IAEA provides nuclear security training on topics such as nuclear material accounting and control. In this area, IRSN is committed to making the most of its experience and knowledge, and contributes to the Agency's training programs. Each year, the Institute takes part as a lecturer in a course organized either regionally, as for example in Egypt in 2022 or in Japan in 2023, or in the international course regularly held in the United States on this topic. 

It also takes part in training courses on the security of sources (Morocco 2022, Togo 2023, etc.). 

In the same spirit, IRSN has finalized with the European Commission's Joint Research Center (JRC) the preparation of a nuclear security training module that has been integrated into the Safeguards Master's program at the Politecnico di Milano . 

At the same time, the Institute is continuing its efforts to digitize its training materials, which began in 2021 with a view to developing distance learning in times of pandemic, and which will enable it to honor various contracts signed with the European Commission.

See also


IRSN / US- DOE (Department of Energy) collaboration on nuclear security

16th Annual Meeting of the IRSN/PDS - DOE/NNSA Nuclear Security and Safeguards Coordination Group in California.

16th Annual Meeting of the IRSN/PDS - DOE/NNSA Nuclear Security and Safeguards Coordination Group in California.

The annual meeting of the IRSN/PDS - DOE/NNSA Nuclear Security and Safeguards Coordination Group was held in September in San Francisco (USA), followed by visits to facilities at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California. The meeting provided an opportunity to review the many initiatives underway and to look ahead to future projects. 

The year 2023, marked by several meetings between French and American teams, was particularly rich, with in particular joint evaluations of nuclear material detection portals, the evaluation of protection against cyber attacks (DIONYSUS project) at the Sandia American laboratory and at IRSN and real explosion tests in the USA on several types of mock-ups representative of transport containers. The tests will be analysed and joint reports drawn up in 2024.

In 2024, several presentations at conference and publications will be produced.

The 17th meeting will be held at IRSN Octeville-Cherbourg in June 2024.

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Joint organisation by IRSN and the US DOE, from 23 to 27 October 2023 in Paris, of an international training course on nuclear security and safeguards on the subject of coordination between physical protection and nuclear material accounting and control systems during a nuclear security event.

What action should be taken if nuclear material goes missing from a nuclear site? Is it a simple tracking error or a theft? Which teams are involved and how can the various measures be coordinated? These were the questions answered by the 16 participants (from Algeria, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Morocco, Nigeria and the Democratic Republic of Congo) in this international training course led by experts from IRSN, the United States, Morocco and Nigeria.
In 2024, this course will take place in Argentina, for countries in the South America zone.


Vice Admiral Louis-Michel GUILLAUME appointed Deputy Director-General in charge of defence-related missions within IRSN

Louis-Michel GUILLAUME was appointed Deputy-Director General in charge of defence-related missions of the Institute of Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN), by decree published in the Official Journal of 25 April 2018.
Louis-Michel Guillaume

Louis-Michel GUILLAUME was appointed Deputy-Director General in charge of defence-related missions of the Institute of Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN), by decree published in the Official Journal of 25 April 2018.

He succeeds Georges-Henri MOUTON who held the position at IRSN from July 2015.

Louis-Michel GUILLAUME, born in 1960, entered the Naval Academy in 1979. At the end of his initial training, he joined in 1981 the submarine forces where he made an operational career from 1985 to 2003 on conventional then nuclear submarines during more than 20,000 hours of diving.

His career is marked by the command of the nuclear attack submarine Saphir from 1994 to 1997 and the nuclear submarine launcher L'Indomptable between 2002 and 2003.

He exercised responsibilities in the field of preparing for the future: conducting nuclear weapons programs for the Staff of the French Navy then piloting the execution of military programming at the French Defence Staff's from 2003 to 2007.

At the end of the 60th session of the Institute of Advanced National Defence Studies, he participated in the reform of training and strategic research processes in the field of defines and security. In this context, he contributes to the creation of the Higher Council for Training and Strategic Research of which he becomes the first general director at the end of 2009.

On 1 September 2011, he was appointed Deputy Chief of Staff "Support and Finance" of the Staff of the French Navy, before assuming from 1 September 2014 to present, the command of the marine and strategic ocean force.

Louis-Michel GUILLAUME is also an INSTN engineer in atomic engineering, naval propulsion branch.