Fires in Ukraine in the exclusion zone around the Chernobyl power plant: First results of 137Cs measurements in France

Since the release of the information notes on April 7, 15 and 17, 2020, the number of fires in Ukraine has decreased. IRSN publishes the results of its first measurements, which notably concern the airborne 137Cs activity in France of 137Cs-labeled air masses from the fire area. These measurements show very tiny levels of radioactivity, consistent with its modeling results.

Since the release of the information notes on April 7, 15 and 17, 2020, the number of fires in Ukraine has decreased. As of April 24, 2020, however, a few outbursts remain in the exclusion zone around the Chernobyl power plant.

IRSN new information report updates the previous situation points by setting out the state of the fires to date and by updating trajectories of the fire-contaminated air masses.

As promised, IRSN publishes the results of its first measurements, which notably concern the airborne 137Cs activity in France of 137Cs-labeled air masses from the fire area. These measurements show very tiny levels of radioactivity, consistent with its modeling results.

Download the IRSN information note of 24 April 2020: Fires in Ukraine in the exclusion zone around the Chernobyl power plant: First results of 137Cs me​asurements in France

Modeling of the dispersio​n in Europe of the air masses from the fires in the Chernobyl region: version of April 24, 2020

Fires in Ukraine in the exclusion zone around the Chernobyl power plant: Situation as of April 17,2020

The fires in Ukraine, which had been announced extinguished on April 15, 2020, were reactivated under the effect of strong winds which stirred up the embers of previous fires.

The fires in Ukraine, which had been announced extinguished on April 15, 2020, were reactivated under the effect of strong winds which stirred up the embers of previous fires.

On April 17, 2020, IRSN produced a new information report explaining the evolution of the fires compared to the situation presented on April 15, 2020, and specifying some elements relating to the nuclear installations located on the site of the Chernobyl NPP.

Download the IRSN information note of 17 April 2020: Fires in Ukraine in the exclusion zone around the Chernobyl power station: Situation report

Modeling of the dispersio​n in Europe of the air masses from the fires in the Chernobyl region: version of April 17, 2020

This update presents a new version of the modeling of the air mass trajectories from the fire area and now covers the period from 3 to 20 April 2020.

The red triangle represents the l​ocation of the fires, the time is in UTC.

The radioactive release used was evaluated by reverse modeling (use of available measurements). This simulation was performed on the assumption that the average radioactive releases, which occurred between April 3 and 12, 2020, will continue from April 14 to 20, 2020.

Fires in Ukraine in the exclusion zone around the Chernobyl power plant: Situation as of April 15,2020

Since IRSN information report of April 7, 2020, the fires in Ukraine have spread to reach the environment near the Chernobyl plan​t. According to the Ukrainian authorities, these fires are now under control.

Since IRSN information report of April 7, 2020 (read in French), the fires in Ukraine have spread to reach the environment near the Chernobyl plan​t. According to the Ukrainian authorities, these fires are now under control.

IRSN publishes a new information report which provides an assessment of the possible radiological impacts for the responders as well as for the inhabitants of Kiev. It also takes stock of the levels of activity in the air likely to be detected in France due to the transport of air masses contaminated by these fires.

Download IRSN information report of April 15,2020: Fires in Ukraine in the exclusion zone around the Chernobyl power plant

Modeling of the dispersio​n in Europe of the air masses from the fires in the Chernobyl region: version of April 15, 2020

IRSN has performed a modeling estimation of the amount of radioactivity re-emitted by fires, and a modeling of the plume dispersion over Europe.

The radioactive release used was evaluated by reverse modeling (use of available measurements) over the period from April 3 to 12, 2020, the dispersion simulation continues until April 14, 2020.

Information report from IRSN following the incident at the SCK-CEN facilities in Mol (Belgium)

Release of Selenium 75 from the SCK-CEN facilities in Mol (Belgium)
Release of Selenium 75 from the SCK-CEN facilities in Mol (Belgium)

The Nuclear Research Centre (SCK-CEN) in Mol (Belgium) and the Belgian Federal Agency for Nuclear Control (FANC) have announced on May 16, 2019, an incident inside the BR2 research reactor for the production of Selenium 75 sources for gammagraphy tests.

Following this incident, some Selenium 75 has been released in the atmosphere and has been detected at low concentrations on aerosol filters from several air monitoring stations belonging to IRSN in the Lille area and in the northwestern part of France.

The sampling and measurement missions carried out by IRSN on the ground in the areas concerned by the passage of the plume did not reveal traces of deposits of Selenium 75. The dosimetric evaluation of the IRSN shows levels of extremely low exposure with no health impact for the population and no special radiation protection measures.


Download IRSN information ​report of May 28, 2019 (PDF)

IRSN publishes a study on social consequences of the 3/11 nuclear accident in Fukushima prefecture

Result of the French-Japanese research project Shinrai, the report "The 3/11 accident and its social consequences - Case studies in Fukushima prefecture" analyses post accidental policy in Fukushima prefecture, particularly the questions linked to return or non-return to evacuated towns and villages. The report also compares the concrete experience of the inhabitants and the decision-makers with a number of principles that underlies international post accidental policy and recommendations.​

Result of the French-Japanese research project Shinrai, the report "The 3/11 accident and its social consequences - Case studies in Fukushima prefecture" analyses post accidental policy in Fukushima prefecture, particularly the questions linked to return or non-return to evacuated towns and villages. The report also compares the concrete experience of the inhabitants and the decision-makers with a number of principles that underlies international post accidental policy and recommendations.​

Download IRSN Report 2019/00178: Shinrai research Project: The 3/11 accident and its social consequences. Case studies from Fukushima prefecture


Eight years after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident in Japan, IRSN publishes a report on its social consequences. This research is based on an intensive field work carried out by researchers with inhabitants of the Fukushima prefecture. The Institute investigates this topic within the framework of the Shinrai project​, a French-Japanese research program coordinated by IRSN with the participation of Sciences Po Paris and To​kyo Tech.

The framework of this research is inscribed in the field of disaster studies, with a multidisciplinary approach (anthropology, political sciences, sociology) in order to analyze the trust of Japanese citizens towards the government in charge of dealing with the crisis. Between 2014 and 2017, researchers from IRSN and Sciences Po completed 118 interviews during 8 missions of 2 to 3 weeks:​

  • ​​​Inhabitants of the Watari quarter in Fukushima city (60 km from t​he crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant), the town of Naraha and the village of Kawauchi, who were allowed to return or not to their hometown after the lifting of evacuation orders (EOs) by the Japanese government (see interactive map below),
  • Government and local representatives to better understand the policy of lifting of EOs after decontamination,
  • ​Non-Profit Organizations (NPOs) or independent experts, who played an important role in informing and supporting the population.


Despite decontamination and the lifting of EOs, the rate of returnees is relatively low. The fieldwork identified six broad categories of inhabitants in relation to their decision to “whether return or not” after the lifting of EOs. This categorization shows the diversity of situations, depending on age, family status - for example, family with children -, commitment to the post accidental policies, confidence in the assessment of radiological situation by government experts.




Return and forget/resist

They see their return as a relief after a number of relocations and they have no hesitation to come back. This category is primarily composed of seniors settled for several generations in rural areas. They seem to be the least "affected" by the consequences of the accident. They are reluctant to follow the radiation protection advice given by the local authorities because they want to live as much as possible "as before". However, in some families, children and grandchildren have not returned or refuse to visit grandparents.

​​​​Return and control/comply

​​They return after the lifting of evacuation orders. They comply with advice given on radiation protection by local authorities, and the possibility to measure radioactivity plays a key role for this category of inhabitants. They have an overall confidence in the post accidental policies, including the measures taken by the authorities to reduce ionizing radiation.

Return and worry

​​People who return but who have doubts about the radiological situation. They are not sure of having taken "the right decision", which causes great anxiety. The end of the entitlement to statutory monthly compensation payment one year after the lifting of EOs has been felt as a push from the authorities. Another form of pressure is the need to be "loyal" to their hometown. This category is essentially composed of families with young children.

Return and commute

​​Some inhabitants come back to work in hometowns while living in the place they were evacuated to. This choice is a source of tension and disagreement with those who have chosen to return "fully". This alternative migratory choice has not been officially recognized by the government or local authority. The government has basically offered only two options to the evacuees after the accident: return with support to restart their lives, or resettle in other places on their own.

Not returning for the moment

They do not return for the moment, but they plan to come back to their hometown at some point in the future. Their evacuation is presented as a (long) parenthesis. Not returning for the moment can be justified by the need to protect children from contamination. A return later can be linked to a later life project of taking care of elderly parents, who have already resettled.

Not returning ever

This category of inhabitants does not plan to come back, ever, to Fukushima prefecture. They have, to a certain extent, made a fresh start, and developed in most cases a deep mistrust towards the authorities. Protecting children from radioactivity explains their decision. A choice that is not always shared within families, resulting in many cases of divorces. Non return has sometimes triggered the sense of citizenship, or even political engagement: some become vocal against the post accidental policy led by the government.


​​The research highlights the role of local elected representatives, in this case the mayors, by showing how they sought to meet both government requirements and the wishes of their constituents. It also addresses the ethical dilemmas that politicians, authorities and government experts have faced: is it legitimate to reassure the population at all costs? How to decide when the interests of the inhabitants question the notion of "community" conceptualized as a homogeneous set of persons? 

The report concludes by comparing co​ncrete situation in Fukushima with a number of principles that underlies international post accidental policy and recommendations. This report identified three ways to fuel the reflections in the French and international bodies in charge of managing the post accidental phase:

  • ​The attachment of the inhabitants to their hometown, observed after the Chernobyl accident, was not verified in Fukushima. However, this is an assumption underlying post accidental policy, as noted in Publication 111 of ICRP, the international body responsible for radioprotection recommendations. The decision of the Japanese government to "reconquer" the territories by entrusting their decontamination to private companies is appreciated by those who wish to return, but denounced by those who would have preferred that the money be invested otherwise (allowing a final relocation for example).
  • The commensurability of radiological risk with other risks (tobacco, alcohol or natural risks specific to Japan). This rationale is recurrent in the discourses of radiological protection but shows some limitations in the aftermath of the Fukushima nuclear accident. While this principle is acceptable to some inhabitants, it is radically dismissed by others, who cannot put in balance the health of their children or accept this​ “balanced” approach.
  • The designation of zones as a tool for radiation protection of populations. This pillar of Japanese post accidental policy was based on the international regulation and recommendation framework established by ICRP and IAEA. However, zoning choices have been questioned, including their definition based on the level of radioactivity measured or estimated for the future.​​​


Download IRSN Report 2019/00178: Shinrai research Project: The 3/11 accident and its social consequences. Case studies from Fukushima prefecture

About the Shinrai project

​Shinrai ("confidence", in Japanese) is a French-Japanese research project started in 2014. Led by IRSN with the participation of Sciences Po Paris and Tokyo Tech, it aims to investigate the decision making methods used by authorities following the accident and their impact on the population.

The project studies the role of public authorities, their trustworthiness (ability to meet the confidence of citizens) and their accountability (ability to account to their own decisions), including in a context when scientific data alone do not allow to proceed and legitimize decisions.


IRSN contributes to three new NEA projects to prepare the decommissioning of Fukushima Daiichi's damaged reactors

The three new research projects launched by Japan will be conducted under the auspices of the OECD's Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA). Along with its NEA peers, IRSN will share its tools and methods on severe reactor accidents.

Along with their NEA peers, a number of IRSN experts will contribute actively to three projects to prepare for the decommissioning of the damaged Fukushima Daiichi reactors: one project to prepare the recovery and analysis of fuel debris (PreADES PreADES []), another to examine the state of the damaged reactors (ARC-F) in more detail, and another to thermodynamically characterize the fuel debris and fission products (TCOFF).

IRSN intends to share its expertise internationally: by contributing to the synthesis of knowledge acquired from the Fukushima Daiichi accident, by contributing its expertise to the analysis of debris samples from the damaged reactors, by upgrading its thermodynamic databases (NUCLEA, MEPHISTA).

IRSN expects that its participation in these three projects will help to strengthen its expertise capacity on severe accidents: it will gain a better understanding of the limits of the various tools and methods it has developed through its studies and research, by applying them to the reality of an accident that has been thoroughly analyzed.

Health consequences of low-dose radiation exposure in the context of a nuclear accident

first results from the EPICE program in the Russian territories contaminated by the Chernobyl fallout

The epidemiological study EPICE provides well-documented answers regarding non-cancerous radiation-induced effects. This study does not observe an association between cardiac arrhythmia and caesium-137 deposition levels on children living in the Bryansk region exposed to Chenobyl fallout.

The scientific evidence currently available about the possible health consequences of accidental exposure to ionizing radiation is mainly based on lessons learned from the follow-up of A-bomb survivors (Hiroshima and Nagasaki) in Japan, as well as populations exposed to fallout from the Chernobyl accident in Belarus, Ukraine and Russia. The observed effects vary according to the type of radiation exposure, dose rate and study population.

In the long term (a few years to decades), an increase in the risk of leukemia and cancers has been observed among the Japanese survivors of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings, as well as an increase of thyroid cancer in children exposed to fallout from the Chernobyl accident in Belarus, Ukraine and Russia.

With respect to non-cancerous effects, a relationship between the risk of cardiovascular disease and exposure to ionizing radiation was observed in the survivors of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings and in Chernobyl liquidators; a similar observation was made for lens opacities (early stage of cataract) and exposure. However major uncertainties remain over the existence of such low-dose associations.

To address this issue, IRSN set up in 2005 the EPICE program (Evaluation of Pathologies potentially Induced by chronic CEsium contamination) in order to gather scientific information on non-cancerous effects resulting from chronic low-dose ionizing exposures and to answer a societal question relating to the health consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear accident in a sensitive population (children).

Territories and population included in the EPICE study

Territories and population included in the EPICE study

© UNSCEAR  - caesium-137 soil deposition

The region of Bryansk, in Russia, is located to the north-east of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Part of the region was affected by the Chernobyl fallout. The EPICE study focused on systematic screening for cardiac arrhytmias in nearly 18,000 children aged 2 to 18 living in the contaminated (137Cs deposit > 37 kBq/m²) and uncontaminated territories of the Oblast.

Children included in the EPICE analysis

After a pilot phase to demonstrate the feasibility of the project and to determine conditions for the implementation of an epidemiological study in a population of several thousand children, the second part of the EPICE program focusing on cardiac arrhythmias started in May 2009 in collaboration with Bryansk Diagnostic Center (Russia).

The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to determine the prevalence  of cardiac arrhythmias (in terms of the territory contamination and caesium-137 whole-body burden in the study population) in the southwestern part of Russia close to the Ukrainian and Belorussian borders, and to assess whether or not caesium-137 was an associated factor in the occurrence of cardiac arrhythmias.

To solve these questions, a measurement campaign was conducted on 18,152 children aged 2 to 18 years old during four years. It consisted of performing systematically an electrocardiogram, a cardiac ultrasound and an assessment of the caesium-137 whole-body activity for the entire population of the study. In addition, some children also benefited from a 24-hour monitoring of cardiac electrical parameters (Holter) as well as a biological assessment of major plasma cardiac biomarkers.

Crude prevalence of cardiac arrhythmia in the Bryansk region (2009-2013)

Crude prevalence of cardiac arrhythmia in the Bryansk region (2009-2013)
Crude prevalence of cardiac arrhythmia estimated in contamined territories was significantly lower in children aged 2-18 years than in uncontaminated territories.

Crude prevalence of cardiac arrhythmia in the Bryansk region considering caesium-137 burden (2009-2013)

Crude prevalence of cardiac arrhythmia in the Bryansk region considering caesium-137 burden (2009-2013)
Crude prevalence of cardiac arrhythmia estimated does not differ significantly between contamined children and children whose caesium-137 contamination is undetectable.

All of these medical examinations diagnosed 2,526 children with cardiac arrhythmia. As a result of a thorough statistical analysis of the data collected on the field, over the period 2009-2013, the prevalence of cardiac arrhythmias estimated in the contaminated territories is significantly lower than in the controlled territories. With regard to caesium-137 whole-body burden, no association could be demonstrated. Therefore, caesium-137 is not an associated factor in the occurrence of cardiac arrhythmia in the frame of the study.

This epidemiological study, which is unique in terms of its size and the quantity of data collected, thus provides well-documented answers regarding non-cancerous radiation-induced effects in children living in Russian contaminated territories by the fallout from the Chernobyl accident, issue which is widely discussed for many years.

This article, published in BMJ Open (open access version of the prestigious journal The British Medical Journal), is the first in a series of future publications on the results of the EPICE program, including the conclusions of a study on a large-scale screening of lens opacities in a similar group of children living in the same region of Russia.


Download the article published in BMJ Open Is exposure to ionising radiation associated with childhood cardiac arrhythmia in the Russian territories contaminated by the Chernobyl fallout? A cross-sectional population-based study” (PDF, 408 Ko)

Detection in September and October 2017 of Ruthenium 106 in France and in Europe: Results of IRSN’s investigations

IRSN publishes a new report that summarizes the various investigations it conducted following the detection in September and October 2017 of Ruthenium 106 in France and Europe.

IRSN publishes a new report that summarizes the various investigations it conducted following the detection in October 2017 of Ruthenium 106 in France and Europe.

This report was presented by IRSN on January 31, 2018 in Moscow (Russia) on the occasion of the first meeting of the International Commission of Experts set up by the Russian authorities, dedicated to the examination of the origin of Ruthenium 106.

Download IRSN information report of February 6, 2018: Detection in October 2017 of Ruthenium 106 in France and in Europe : Results of IRSN’s investigations - Update of information report of November 9, 2017

Download IRSN report of January 2018: Report on the IRSN’s investigations following the widespread detection of Ruthenium 106 in Europe early October 2017


Detection of Ruthenium-106 in France and in Europe: Results of IRSN’s investigations - Update of November 9, 2017

Ruthenium-106 has been detected in late September 2017 by several European networks involved in the monitoring of atmospheric radioactive contamination, at levels of a few milliBecquerels per cubic meter of air. IRSN's investigations make it possible to provide information on the possible location of the source of the release as well as the order of magnitude of the quantities released.

Ruthenium-106 has been detected in late September 2017 by several European networks involved in the monitoring of atmospheric radioactive contamination, at levels of a few milliBecquerels per cubic meter of air. IRSN's investigations make it possible to provide information on the possible location of the source of the release as well as the order of magnitude of the quantities released.

As soon as it became aware of the first detections of Ruthenium-106 in the atmosphere in Europe, IRSN mobilized all its means of radiological monitoring of the atmosphere and conducted regular analysis of the filters from its monitoring stations. For the period from September 27 to October 13, 2017, only the stations of Seyne-sur-Mer, Nice and Ajaccio revealed the presence of Ruthenium-106 in trace amounts. Since October 13, 2017, Ruthenium-106 is no longer detected in France.

Measurement results from European stations communicated to the Institute since October 3, 2017, have confirmed the presence of Ruthenium-106 in the atmosphere of the majority of European countries. The results obtained for sampling periods later than October 6, 2017, showed a steady decrease in Ruthenium-106 levels, which is currently no longer detected in Europe.

The concentration levels of Ruthenium-106 in the air that have been recorded in Europe and especially in France are of no consequence for human health and for the environment.

Based on the meteorological conditions provided by Météo France and the measurement results available in European countries, IRSN carried out simulations to locate the release zone, to assess the quantity of ruthenium released, as well as the period and the duration of the release.

The map below summarizes the results obtained and confirms that the most plausible zone of release lies between the Volga and the Urals without it being possible, with the available data, to specify the exact location of the point of release. Indeed, it is in this geographical area that the simulation of a ruthenium release makes it possible to better reproduce the measurements obtained in Europe.

Map showing the plausibility of the origin of the release of Ru-106 in September 2017

Map showing the plausibility of the origin of the release of Ru-106 in Europe in September 2017

For the most plausible zone of release, the quantity of Ruthenium-106 released estimated by IRSN simulations is very important, between 100 and 300 teraBecquerels. The release, accidental with regard to the quantity released, would have occurred during the last week of September 2017.

Because of the quantities released, the consequences of an accident of this magnitude in France would have required to implement locally measures of protection of the populations on a radius of the order of a few kilometres around the location of the release.

For foodstuffs, the exceeding of maximum permitted levels (1250 Bq/kg for Ruthenium-106 for non-milk products) would be observed over distances of the order of a few tens of kilometres around the location of the release.

The possibility of exceeding maximum permitted levels near the accident site led IRSN to study the scenario of importing foodstuffs from this area. From this analysis, IRSN considers, on the one hand, that the probability of a scenario that would see the importation into France of foodstuffs (especially mushrooms) contaminated by Ruthenium-106 near the source of the release is extremely low and, on the other hand, the potential health risk associated with this scenario is also very low. It does not therefore appear necessary to introduce systematic controls on the contamination of imported foods.

Download IRSN information report from Novembre 9, 2017: Detection of Ruthenium-106 in France and in Europe: Results of IRSN’s investigations

Detection of ruthenium 106 in the air in the east and southeast of Europe - Update of October 9, 2017

Ruthenium-106 has been detected by several European networks involved in the monitoring of atmospheric radioactive contamination, at levels of a few milliBecquerels per cubic meter of air.

Ruthenium-106 [1] has been detected by several European networks involved in the monitoring of atmospheric radioactive contamination, at levels of a few milliBecquerels per cubic meter of air.

IRSN has therefore undertaken investigations since October 3, 2017 to carry out an in-depth assessment of the measurements of ruthenium levels in the territory and to identify the possible origins of the situation encountered.

In France, IRSN has mobilized all its measurement stations for atmospheric monitoring and undertook the analysis of their filter samples [2]. At this stage, only the filters of the stations of Seyne-sur-Mer (Var) and Nice (Alpes-Maritimes) show the presence of ruthenium-106 at trace levels (respectively 7.4 and 6.8 micro-Bq/m3). The results of measurement of the filters of the other stations of IRSN do not show the presence of this radionuclide. All the measurement results are shown in the table 1 below.

Based on calculations carried out by IRSN, the levels of atmospheric contamination with ruthenium-106 of the order of those observed in Europe are not likely to generate health effects.

By combining levels of contamination observed and numerical simulations performed by IRSN, it appears that the contaminated air masses measured in Europe originate from the southern regions of the Urals. Given the amount of ruthenium-106 that may be at the origin of the air pollution observed in Europe, it appears that measures of protection of the populations could have been necessary in the vicinity of the site of the releases. It should be noted that the detection of ruthenium alone excludes the possibility of an accident on a nuclear power plant, which would result in the presence of other radionuclides. Ruthentium can occur in nuclear fuel cycle installation, in facilities manufacturing radioactive sources or in RTG's (Radioisotope thermoelectric generators) used for the power supply of satellites. Discussions with BfS, the German counterparts of IRSN, show that they reach similar conclusions.

At this stage, IRSN does not have information to confirm the end of the releases.

IRSN is continuing its efforts to monitor the level of ruthenium in the territory and its calculations to clarify the origin of the releases and their characteristics.



  1. Ruthenium 106 is a radionuclide of artificial origin. It is a fission product from the nuclear industry. This radionuclide is also used in the medical field for brachytherapy treatments.
  2. In France, IRSN is responsible for monitoring the radioactivity of the atmosphere on a nation-wide scale. Its surveillance network OPERA-Air includes high-volume aerosol samplers (700 to 900 m3 of air per hour) and measurement equipment capable of detecting trace amounts of radioactivity.

Detection of RU-106 in Europe: Update of measurement results at IRSN's stations as of October 9, 2017

Detection of RU-106 in Europe: Update of measurement results (as of October 9, 2017)

* Stations located in the localities marked with an asterisk have very high air filtration flows (up to 700 m3/ h) dedicated to the detection of traces.
** Stations located in localities marked with two asterisks have air filtration rates of 80 m3 / h.
*** The filter of La Seyne sur Mer station was re-measured during the weekend to confirm the value and reduce the uncertainty of the result.