IRSN and ICRP renew their collaboration agreement

The extension to the collaboration agreement signed by Jean-Christophe Niel and Werner Rühm, President of the ICPR.
IRSN and the ICRP (International Commission on Radiological Protection) have just signed a new collaboration agreement for the next two years.
The ICRP is an international organization that drafts and publishes recommendations aimed at improving the radiation protection of people (the public, workers, patients) and the environment, in all its dimensions (dosimetry, health risk assessment, etc.). These recommendations are mainly based on the most recent research findings, and represent an important foundation on which the vast majority of national and international radiation protection regulations are based.
Since its creation, IRSN has played an active role in the ICRP's discussions and recommendations. Seven of the Institute's experts currently sit on the ICRP's main commission and 4 technical committees, in addition to numerous thematic working groups.
To coincide with the visit to France of members of the ICRP's Main Commission, a seminar will be held tomorrow in Fontenay-aux-Roses to discuss the future of radiation protection (see information below). Indeed, after the publication of the document Keeping the ICRP recommendations fit for purpose in 2021 (below the French version translated in 2022 by IRSN), the ICRP is committed to a review and revision of the radiological protection system, culminating in the updating of the general recommendations published in 2007 (ICRP publication 103).
Workshop on the Future of Radiological Protection
Open to all, registration required (face-to-face and online)
March 19, 2024 - 9:00 am to 3:30 pm
IRSN Auditorium in Fontenay-aux-Roses or online
Consult the french version of the ICRP publication: Maintenir les recommandations de la CIPR adaptées aux besoins (2022)
Find out more
On the development of standards and the Institute's contribution, read the dossier (p.8-13) in Repères (FR)