Scientific and technical cooperation with the Republic of Korea
IRSN was in South Korea from April 29 to May 1 to meet with various Korean partners. With the aim of strengthening our collaboration with Korean organizations in the fields of nuclear safety regulation (KINS), safety research (KAERI) and medical applications (KIRAMS), the Institute renewed various framework cooperation agreements.

A long-standing partner, the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) is a recognized nuclear safety research organization. Mr. Han Gyu Joo, President of KAERI, and Mr. Niel discussed various research topics such as SMR safety, thermohydraulics and environmental monitoring.
With our Korean TSO counterpart, the renowned Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety (KINS) and its president Mr. Kim, we discussed the possibility of strengthening our cooperation through a technical seminar in 2025, which would enable us to exchange views on subjects of common interest : stress corrosion cracking, fuel safety, severe accidents.
With the Korea Institute of Radiological & Medical Sciences (KIRAMS) and its president Dr. Jinkyung Lee, the ambition is to strengthen cooperation in innovative research in radiation protection and radiobiology. KIRAMS is a leading institution in cancer treatment, research and the care of irradiated people and radiological emergencies.