Delegation from the National University of Singapore (NUS)/Singapore Nuclear Research and Safety Initiative (SNRSI) visited IRSN's safety and radiation protection research facilities
A delegation from the National University of Singapore (NUS)/Singapore Nuclear Research and Safety Initiative (SNRSI) led by Professor Pao Chuen LUI, Chairman of SNRSI and SNRSI Director Keng Yeow CHUNG and from the Energy Market Authority led by Director Darryl Kah Inn CHAN visited IRSN's safety and radiation protection research facilities at Cadarache on September 19 and 20, 2022.
The facilities visited were the following:
- CABRI model,
- ODE,
The delegation continued this visit to IRSN Headquarters at Fontenay-aux-Roses on September 23, with a presentation of the research and expertise conducted on atmospheric dispersion models, followed by a presentation of crisis management and the technical Crisis Center.
A final debriefing meeting led by the Director General of IRSN Jean-Christophe NIEL concluded this visit.