Strengthening relations between IRSN and its Czech counterparts
IRSN Director General Jean-Christophe Niel visited the Czech Republic from February 5 to 7, 2024 to meet with various Czech partners. The main aim of the visit, which focused on nuclear safety research and exchanges on new collaboration opportunities, was to strengthen our relations with nuclear safety organizations in the Czech Republic. The IRSN delegation was accompanied by Felix Buttin.
J.C. Niel met with the President of the Czech Safety Authority (SUJB) Dana Drabova and her safety director Stepan Kochanek, to discuss technical topics of common interest (SMR safety, fuel safety, etc.).
The Director General held a second meeting with the delegation from SURO (Czech TSO counterpart), including Mr Luboš Pelikán, Deputy Director for Nuclear Safety, and Mr Miroslav Hrehor, his predecessor. Discussions focused mainly on calculation codes, safety and radiation protection research, passive systems (PASTIS) and its activities within the ETSON network.
A meeting with Lukas Vondrovic, Director of SURAO, the state-run radioactive waste management agency, addressed the challenges of research into waste disposal safety, communication with civil society and training needs.
Finally, an exchange with the UJV Rez and CV Rez team chaired by UJV REZ Director Mr. Daniel Jiřička and CVR REZ Director Patrik Milan and a visit to their LR0 research reactor rounded off the trip to the Czech Republic. IRSN and these two Czech organizations discussed nuclear safety research issues (reactor lifetime extension, fuels, severe accidents) and in particular the use of ASTEC software.
This visit enabled the Director General of IRSN and his Czech counterparts to share their views on technical and scientific issues of common interest in nuclear safety, and to discuss new avenues for cooperation, particularly in research.